Web Design

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Web Design | March 8, 2023

When was the last time you proofread your website?

Let’s be real… When did you last take the time to proofread your website? It doesn’t have to take forever! From just a quick read-through of all the pages of your site, you might find some small mistakes that ruin your credibility.

Web Design | September 2, 2022

Choose the right platform for your website

Step 1 to creating your dream website is selecting the website platform (also known as a website builder) that’s right for you and your business. This website builder is what you’ll use to create every aspect of your website, and you’ll utilize it for every single edit you make on your website going forward.

Web Design | September 1, 2022

5 signs you need a new website

No matter how much social media grows your business, your website will always be your digital home base. Your website can generate leads, provide a wealth of information — all while building relationships with your ideal clients. Social media trends may come and go, but you own your website and that’s not going anywhere!

Web Design | August 31, 2022

The legal documents your website needs

When creating a website, it’s easy to overlook legal requirements, but those steps are necessary to protect you and your business. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and can’t offer you legal advice. Please seek the advice of a professional lawyer.