Figure Skating

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Figure Skating | October 6, 2023

Figure skaters legs and skates with a search bar that says "how to grow as a figure skating coach"

To all my fellow figure skating coaches… Did you know that having a website can do wonders for your career as a professional figure skating coach? For National Coaches Day, take a break and give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work and the skaters you’ve influenced. But you know…. growth is the name of the game. Let’s think about building a website to show off your coaching skills and inspire future skaters. A beautiful website marketing yourself as a professional figure skating coach is like leveling up your coaching game while celebrating you at the same time.

Figure Skating | July 19, 2023

Are you a figure skating coach crafting your website and unsure what in the world to write about on your blog? I’m here to help! Simply put, your blog allows you to share your expertise as a figure skating coach and provide valuable info and insights to your ideal clients.

Figure Skating | June 16, 2023

Being a board member of a figure skating club comes with its fair share of challenges. Whether you’re ensuring the club remains financially stable or organizing competitions and events that require meticulous planning and coordination… all of your hard work will go to waste if you’re not attracting and retaining talented figure skaters.

Figure Skating | June 12, 2023

Ready to dive in and create your website to promote yourself as a professional figure skating coach? Here are five tips to consider as you start to create content!

Figure Skating | June 7, 2023

How SEO can grow your figure skating business

When it comes to propelling your business to new heights, prioritizing search engine optimization (SEO) over social media is a game-changer. While social media can be an effective tool for promoting your website and driving traffic, relying solely on social media marketing has its limitations.

Figure Skating | June 5, 2023

custom figure skating website

Discover the benefits of a custom figure skating website. Save time while focusing on your figure skating business and elevating your online presence today.

Figure Skating | September 12, 2022

Growing your figure skating coaching business based entirely on word of mouth? Trying to expand your reach but only having enough time to post snapshots and quick videos on Instagram?