the ellie schuler creative blog

Insights and Inspiration

Web Design | March 16, 2023

In today’s world, more people are browsing the internet on their mobile devices than ever before. That’s why it’s crucial to have a mobile-friendly website that provides a seamless user experience on all devices.

Web Design | March 15, 2023

If you are a creative entrepreneur looking for a website builder that is easy to use and offers complete design freedom, then Showit is the perfect solution for you. The platform was initially created with photographers in mind, but nowadays, it can be used by anyone who wants to create a visually appealing and functional website.

Web Design | March 10, 2023

Time-saving website hack: Start with a website template

Ah, Daylight Saving Time! I’m no fan of losing an hour every spring, but let’s try to make up for the lost time by being strategic. Now’s the perfect time to take advantage of time-saving hacks so you can accomplish your goals and enjoy the longer, sunshine-filled days ahead.

Portfolio | March 9, 2023

Client website launch: Authentic Encounters, LLC

When Lena Morris reached out about creating a website for her new business venture – Authentic Encounters, LLC – I was giddy with excitement. Lena’s a bright light who makes such a difference in the lives of every person she encounters, and I know her new business has an exciting and energetic future.

Web Design | March 8, 2023

When was the last time you proofread your website?

Let’s be real… When did you last take the time to proofread your website? It doesn’t have to take forever! From just a quick read-through of all the pages of your site, you might find some small mistakes that ruin your credibility.

Strategy | March 3, 2023

The saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” definitely applies to websites. Your potential clients are making an initial judgment of your business and website in a matter of seconds, so it’s absolutely critical that their first impression matches your intentions!

Figure Skating | September 12, 2022

Growing your figure skating coaching business based entirely on word of mouth? Trying to expand your reach but only having enough time to post snapshots and quick videos on Instagram?

Web Design | September 2, 2022

Choose the right platform for your website

Step 1 to creating your dream website is selecting the website platform (also known as a website builder) that’s right for you and your business. This website builder is what you’ll use to create every aspect of your website, and you’ll utilize it for every single edit you make on your website going forward.

Web Design | September 1, 2022

5 signs you need a new website

No matter how much social media grows your business, your website will always be your digital home base. Your website can generate leads, provide a wealth of information — all while building relationships with your ideal clients. Social media trends may come and go, but you own your website and that’s not going anywhere!

are you Ready for the

website of your dreams?